It’s amazing that you can read the bible, and even quote scripture but still not fully understand it until God gives you a true revelation of what it means.  In the book of Matthew Chapter 5 Jesus sees the crowds and walks up the mountain side and sits down.  His disciples then follow him up…

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She longed for more!

Her heart was hurting and there was something that she longed for deep down inside but she couldn’t pinpoint it. There was something missing in the relationship and she didn’t know what it was.  He showered her with gifts, flowers, spoke nice words, but it just wasn’t enough.  He had made her the center of…

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I love you because I do!

If you were asked to fill in the blanks to this question, how would you answer it? I love my __________ because __________________________. (Take a minute and think about it.) Now if you are married you might want to say, I love my spouse because… and then list a bunch of reason why you love…

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You Should Not Marry A Christian… unless

On my continuous journey of finding a match made in heaven, my soul mate, my perfect unicorn, I can’t help but contemplate what I would look for in a wife.  Since it is the second biggest decision of my life I want make sure that I don’t mess this one up.  Nobody wants to end…

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Eyes To See

I just don’t know how to explain it all… For some reason God has changed my heart to see something in people that nobody else can see.  I guess He has been answering that prayer of giving me His eyes to see people, so that the external surface that people have, has been wiped away…

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Is Online Dating Any Worse Than Pornography?

Over the last few years online dating sites have begun to pop up all over the world.  You have every possible dating site you can think of.  Some that match only Christians, some non-Christian, some that focus on being homosexual, or if you want casual sex dating; there is even dating sites for specific places…

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Pornography – It does what?

I remember one year at a Christian camp, I got up and told my testimony. For years, I was enslaved to my addiction to pornography and thought that it was no harm to anybody but myself. But as I was immersed daily in feeding myself these fantasy images, it wasn’t just hurting me, but it…

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Love THIS guy?

Jesus said,  “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.”   You want me to do WHAT????? It was a beautiful early Saturday morning…  The traffic was flowing on the 405; the smog was only half bad because of the previous rains, and the homeless people on the corner were holding signs that say…

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