Look what I got!

Two men had just walked through the gates of heaven to see a sign that said: “GET YOUR TREASURES HERE”.  They both jumped in line to see what they would receive. The first man walks up to the desk and the clerk asks, “What was your name on earth?”   He replied “Modest Jones”.   The Clerk…

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Are we enabling our children?

I have been thinking a lot about how I was raised and how blessed I was to have a family that really trained me up to be able to live my life on my own.  They pushed me to work at a young age and didn’t spoil me to a point of taking away my…

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Need a Relationship Reset?

Smart phones can be a love / hate relationship for me.  When you first get them they are super fast and everything normally works just the way you want them to.  Click a button and boom your application is up and running.  But what happens, is then you start to install more apps. You add…

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Why give up your life?

You jump on a plane that leads you to a plane that will get you to another plane. This plane jumping continues for about 30 hours, mainly in the air just to reach your final destination. When you get to the African mission field everything changes and your norms are no longer normal. Everything you…

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Talking your SELF up.

We live in a society of people who are extremely confident in themselves. We look to idolize talent and elevate humans as somebody to be like. And that causes people to want to strive to be in the spotlight and get that recognition. When I first moved to LA, I notice a commonality in the…

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Marriage and Ministry – Double or Cut in Half?

About a year ago I was talking with a friend who came from the states and had been a missionary for many years.  We got to talking about relationships and he gave me some really good advice that hit me.  He said “The person you choose to marry will either Double your life and ministry…

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Nowadays, it seems like everybody lives life with this sense of entitlement.  As if the world owes us everything and we deserve things just to be given to us.  I question why?   Why do people think  just because they want it, or just because they are born, others should give up what they have for…

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Are you a Victim or Victor?

I don’t know if you have ever experienced the messiness of life, but it can be tough sometimes to want to continue to keep moving forward.  I want to ask you, what do you do when you face trials?  When you lose your job? When your boyfriend or girlfriend leaves you?  When you feel like…

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You Are Worth It!

Living in the shadows of somebody who never sees you as being good enough really can take a toll on how you live your life.  It can be manageable at first but then it gets harder to put up with.  Before you know it, you are down, emotionally drained and want to give up on…

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The older I get the more I realize how hard this life can be.  Things don’t always go according to plan and when things are really good, somebody is always there to stomp on your parade.  Sometimes we even encounter things in life that can be a huge blow to us, like death or disease;…

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