My Life

As I sit here and go through old pictures of me as a child up until today, I look back at my life and see all the amazing times that I had.  All the blessings and the experiences that God has allowed me to be involved in has brought great awe to me through it…

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An encounter with Evil

When you go to a other countries you get to experience different ways of life. For me the stories of Africa that I heard about became so much more than just that, it became real.  They were not longer just words in passing but a reality that was before me. In Africa, anytime you want…

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My entire life I was raised in this bubble called America, where my world view was shaped by the music I listened to, the TV and movies I watched, and the people I was around. My goals and visions were based on how I can impress people with all that I have accomplished and material…

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My birthday was yesterday and I realized that I am one year older.  Funny how that works!  Each year God takes you through a journey that will grow you, teach you and allow you to gain more wisdom.  The older you are, the more life experience you have, and that can either be good or…

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Nowadays, it seems like everybody lives life with this sense of entitlement.  As if the world owes us everything and we deserve things just to be given to us.  I question why?   Why do people think  just because they want it, or just because they are born, others should give up what they have for…

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Anything Beyond is a Blessing.

What if you could change your entire perspective on life and everything around you started to take a different shape in how you saw things?  What if you started to look at the things you have, and those items became enough? Over the last couple years God has really been doing that in my life. …

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I am to blame, not you!

Pride can come in many different ways, but no matter how you look at it, it is still stemmed in selfishness.  I look back a long time ago when I was together with my ex-girlfriend and I knew that it was time that the relationship was coming to an end.  We just were not a…

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Don’t Tell Me What To Do!

Growing up, we all remember our parents telling us certain things that we thought were just to control us and take away our fun.  And right after that comes those famous last words, “Just wait until you have kids and you will see!”  For me my mom was always wanting to know what I was…

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I don’t need God

I grew up in a small little town of Central California.  My Mom and Dad both worked full time jobs to provide for the family and although there were times where it was extremely tight with money and things got hard, they were never in a position where they couldn’t handle things on their own. …

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I have read the letter from Paul to Timothy countless times and never have I read this part until last night.  For the first time God was opening up my eyes to this one line that had so much depth and meaning in it.  I can’t find much about Demas in the bible but we…

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