It’s been a really difficult year. 2020 will forever mark a time in history that was filled with fear, uncertainty, pain, sickness, loss, anger, hatred, and confusion. People have suffered through isolation, losing their jobs, and the death of their loved ones. And as the months pass by, people start to lose more hope, and reason to live.

This is where we come in. “You are the light of the world” is Jesus’ answer. He knew that darkness has a tendency to try and overtake, dominate, and control. But He has already overcome the world. And as his followers, he gave us a powerful weapon to fight darkness; His very own Spirit, who shines through us and lets the world know that there is HOPE. And that is exactly what all those people are desperate for. Those living in darkness need hope for change, for healing, and restoration. Hope for true comfort and a hope for eternity. We carry that hope inside of us. So don’t hide it. Open your windows and let everyone see it. Look into the eyes of the people that you pass today, and speak hope into their lives. Pray for healing over the sick. Help someone in need. Tell others about Jesus. And before you know it, those around you will light up. And the more light that shines, the less darkness there will be.

forgiven • November 24, 2020

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