
I noticed that she had a tattoo that read Forgiven on her for arm, so I had to ask “why did you choose that, out of unlimited ideas that you could have tatted on your body? ”

Here is what she wrote:

Forgiven- A word I believe to only exist because of Christ. He is the ultimate example and the ultimate forgiver. When I brainstorm about the word forgiven I can’t help but think about the fact that it is a word used to resolve some sort of negative interaction. Someone does something they shouldn’t have or said something that should have gone unsaid, and in order to cancel that person’s wrong act, one must forgive. If you have to be forgiven, you screwed up. You don’t forgive someone for acting kind or paying a compliment. Only when you have identified the wrongs you have committed may you be forgiven. The greatest part about this word and all that it entails is that it ends on a positive note. He is faithful and just to forgive us (1 John 1:9). We sinners forgive because Christ forgave. A wholehearted readiness to forgive others shows that one has truly repented.

Why forgiven, you ask? Well I like to think that forgiveness is the thread and Jesus is the needle and through the two we can be weaved together closer to God and our fellow believers. Humans are so sensitive when it comes to our feelings especially when they get hurt. Forgiveness can be hard to do right away, but when you take the focus off yourself and make it about obeying God, it’s much easier to do. Just think for a moment about the fact that Christ the forgiver of all sins NEVER needed to be forgiven; yet he forgave. He is our perfect example. The very least we can do, is to forgive others. The word forgiven is past participle, in other words its already been done. The reason I forgive is because I’ve been forgiven. ~ Lindsey McPheeters

— To see more pictures of the Photo shoot with Forgiven Photography on  Facebook click here


forgiven • June 8, 2013

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