Pornography – It does what?

I remember one year at a Christian camp, I got up and told my testimony. For years, I was enslaved to my addiction to pornography and thought that it was no harm to anybody but myself. But as I was immersed daily in feeding myself these fantasy images, it wasn’t just hurting me, but it…

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The Art of Caring

There have been so many times in my life that I just felt like nobody cared.  That I was all alone in this world, so that made me take a deep look at myself to see if I make others feel all alone in this world also.  So I have come up with things that…

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You are not alone!

I use to have many secrets that I was so ashamed of, that I felt like I was the only person in the world that struggled with those things.  How could I claim to be a believer in Jesus Christ and still allow these dirty little secrets be in my life.  I just didn’t understand…

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OZ and NZ update!

So much has happened over the last two weeks and without a doubt in my mind I know that God is at work not only through me but also in me.  I look back and have seen God open doors that no man could open, change hearts, build relationships, and see Him orchestrating it all….

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