Where have all the godly MEN gone?

It seems that people are getting married a lot later in life these days.  I am constantly talking with people about life, dating, marriage and being single.  Most in their 20’s and 30’s and I have began to ask the questions of why? Why are so many people not taking the plunge into the covenant…

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She longed for more!

Her heart was hurting and there was something that she longed for deep down inside but she couldn’t pinpoint it. There was something missing in the relationship and she didn’t know what it was.  He showered her with gifts, flowers, spoke nice words, but it just wasn’t enough.  He had made her the center of…

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I almost passed him by!

I was just out for a stroll on the streets of Wellington all by myself and my stomach started to growl.  I was getting really hungry and was on a mission to find a place that was open late.  As I turned a corner I passed a dirty homeless guy who was sitting on the…

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Your Accident Is Unacceptable!

I must say that I absolutely love our Youth Group.  God has really given me an amazing group of leaders and kids to minister to.  Each week when Monday comes around, I get really excited knowing that I get to hang out with some amazing teenagers.  To see them grow and mature in their faith…

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As Long As…

I find that so many people love this idea of Christianity, I mean after all who wouldn’t want to live in a world based on love?  A place where everybody is patient, kind, not envious, boastful or proud.  A place where we all honor each other, selflessly, unangered, keeping no records of wrongs.  Where we…

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I Am Sick Of Playing Church!

Another Sunday comes around, we get dressed up, jump in the car and head over to church. On the way, somebody cuts us off. We get extremely upset because that person was so selfish to get in our way and cause us to be a little late, not getting our favorite parking spot. As we…

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