Channeling Love

Last night after a long day of ministry I got home and cooked up an amazing gourmet meal.  I stopped at the store just to pick up all the ingredients, and after I had thrown it in the microwave for 3 minutes, I was exhausted!  So I sat down popped on the TV and enjoyed…

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The Art of Caring

There have been so many times in my life that I just felt like nobody cared.  That I was all alone in this world, so that made me take a deep look at myself to see if I make others feel all alone in this world also.  So I have come up with things that…

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A life of Sacrifice

There are so many worries of this world that we tend to put as our primary focus in life.  When we do this we lose track of what matters and the blessings that come from it.  I have been learning so much about life and what it means to walk with Christ as a disciple…

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