Wants VS Needs

Guys, I am not sure if you have ever experienced this, but this is something that God had shown me.  We live in a world that gets WANTS and NEEDS so deeply intertwined that we can’t tell the difference between what is necessary to live and what we think we need to be happy. I…

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Am I Unworthy of Marriage!

Sometimes in life we can’t fully understand the bigger picture of why we have to go through what we experience.  All we can do, is have hope in God, for He knows what is best for us and allows us to struggle through trials to build our character to become more like Him.  For me,…

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Are You Teachable?

A few years ago I was meeting with my mentor and having a conversation about how some of the choices I was making were leading me down a path of destruction.  He started to point things out to me about how they were bad, and I shouldn’t be doing them. My immediate reaction was to…

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