Where have all the godly women gone?

It seems like the older you get the harder it is to get married.  Most of the good ones seem to be taken and already hitched.  For the rest, it seems like they have been left behind for slim pickens.  So why is it so hard for guys nowadays to find a solid Christian woman? …

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Where have all the godly MEN gone?

It seems that people are getting married a lot later in life these days.  I am constantly talking with people about life, dating, marriage and being single.  Most in their 20’s and 30’s and I have began to ask the questions of why? Why are so many people not taking the plunge into the covenant…

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Singleness, the unbearable sin.

Singleness, the unbearable sin. I have been lucky enough to experience 37 years on this earth. Most of that life has been single.  When I was 19, I fully committed my life to Jesus and decided that I wasn’t going to waste my time pouring into something that was only going to gratify my sexual…

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Has Social Media tainted reality?

Is social media transforming how we do relationships? It seems like we are being inundated with photos and videos of people who have perfect lives.  Every click seems like the most beautiful person who is drop dead gorgeous and extremely happy.  I see people with the perfect bodies who just work out all day long…

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He knew my name

Every morning I go into Starbucks to enjoy my vanilla latte, read my bible and have my daily devotion. This is the time that God speaks to me through His word and shows me areas of my life where He wants to come in and make better. Not only that but I get to build…

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A Christian Man’s perspective of a desirable woman

Years ago I was asked a very unique question about what I found beautiful in a woman.  My answer consisted of a bunch of features that I liked and all based on appearance.  I would also throw in the “she must also love Jesus”, just to hit some areas of character and not sound to…

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Unrealistic Marriage Expectations

At the age of 18 I was engaged to a woman whom I thought I was going to marry. I had it all figured out and was the master of marriage; so I thought. What I have learned over the years from my relationships and from watching others, is how far off I was when…

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Put to Death all that is unhealthy!

It seems like every where we turn now a days, somebody is diagnosed with some sort of life threatening disease. I have experienced this first hand in my family with my dad being attacked with cancer. That was the first time that I saw a disease take over a body and destroy what was once…

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It’s amazing that you can read the bible, and even quote scripture but still not fully understand it until God gives you a true revelation of what it means.  In the book of Matthew Chapter 5 Jesus sees the crowds and walks up the mountain side and sits down.  His disciples then follow him up…

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My entire life I was raised in this bubble called America, where my world view was shaped by the music I listened to, the TV and movies I watched, and the people I was around. My goals and visions were based on how I can impress people with all that I have accomplished and material…

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