It’s a dark world, Be the light

It’s been a really difficult year. 2020 will forever mark a time in history that was filled with fear, uncertainty, pain, sickness, loss, anger, hatred, and confusion. People have suffered through isolation, losing their jobs, and the death of their loved ones. And as the months pass by, people start to lose more hope, and…

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My Life

As I sit here and go through old pictures of me as a child up until today, I look back at my life and see all the amazing times that I had.  All the blessings and the experiences that God has allowed me to be involved in has brought great awe to me through it…

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He knew my name

Every morning I go into Starbucks to enjoy my vanilla latte, read my bible and have my daily devotion. This is the time that God speaks to me through His word and shows me areas of my life where He wants to come in and make better. Not only that but I get to build…

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Loving Jesus VS Being a Christian

I woke up with this on my mind and it really was a message to me. But I decided to write it because I know it will impact many others that call themselves Christians. When I was 13 I gave my life to Jesus and started to call myself a Christian. I would pick up…

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I AM FORGIVEN.  I have had countless people ask me what that means and where it comes from.  They ask, Forgiven?  What did you do?  Or ask what I have been forgiven from? When I started Forgiven Photography, I wanted to do something that had more meaning than just taking pictures for people.  I wanted…

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Will you be forgotten?

We are but a vapor and then forgotten.  As much as I want to believe that my life means so much more, the reality is that within a couple generations I will be forgotten.  I will be a piece to my family lineage that is never thought about or remembered.  That is the reality!  Only…

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His name was James

It was my last day in Chicago and we wanted to go down to see this thing called the BEAN.  This huge weird shaped reflective piece of art in the middle of downtown.  As we walked up to where it was there was this really happy homeless guy that wanted to talk to us.  I…

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What would you tell them?

It’s amazing what happens when you open yourself up to be available to God! We had just pulled up to a village out in Malawi to do a medical clinic and to pray for anybody in that area that needed help.  We brought a medical student to them, which for the village people it is…

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An encounter with Evil

When you go to a other countries you get to experience different ways of life. For me the stories of Africa that I heard about became so much more than just that, it became real.  They were not longer just words in passing but a reality that was before me. In Africa, anytime you want…

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My entire life I was raised in this bubble called America, where my world view was shaped by the music I listened to, the TV and movies I watched, and the people I was around. My goals and visions were based on how I can impress people with all that I have accomplished and material…

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