It’s a dark world, Be the light

It’s been a really difficult year. 2020 will forever mark a time in history that was filled with fear, uncertainty, pain, sickness, loss, anger, hatred, and confusion. People have suffered through isolation, losing their jobs, and the death of their loved ones. And as the months pass by, people start to lose more hope, and…

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Do you really have faith?

When God called me to the mission field, I learned a very challenging but interesting lesson. He told me to leave behind everything I owned, my friends & family, and even my dog.  I felt like God was saying that I needed to walk away from the old and into something else He had for…

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Look what I got!

Two men had just walked through the gates of heaven to see a sign that said: “GET YOUR TREASURES HERE”.  They both jumped in line to see what they would receive. The first man walks up to the desk and the clerk asks, “What was your name on earth?”   He replied “Modest Jones”.   The Clerk…

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He knew my name

Every morning I go into Starbucks to enjoy my vanilla latte, read my bible and have my daily devotion. This is the time that God speaks to me through His word and shows me areas of my life where He wants to come in and make better. Not only that but I get to build…

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Loving Jesus VS Being a Christian

I woke up with this on my mind and it really was a message to me. But I decided to write it because I know it will impact many others that call themselves Christians. When I was 13 I gave my life to Jesus and started to call myself a Christian. I would pick up…

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Are we enabling our children?

I have been thinking a lot about how I was raised and how blessed I was to have a family that really trained me up to be able to live my life on my own.  They pushed me to work at a young age and didn’t spoil me to a point of taking away my…

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Will you be forgotten?

We are but a vapor and then forgotten.  As much as I want to believe that my life means so much more, the reality is that within a couple generations I will be forgotten.  I will be a piece to my family lineage that is never thought about or remembered.  That is the reality!  Only…

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His name was James

It was my last day in Chicago and we wanted to go down to see this thing called the BEAN.  This huge weird shaped reflective piece of art in the middle of downtown.  As we walked up to where it was there was this really happy homeless guy that wanted to talk to us.  I…

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Why give up your life?

You jump on a plane that leads you to a plane that will get you to another plane. This plane jumping continues for about 30 hours, mainly in the air just to reach your final destination. When you get to the African mission field everything changes and your norms are no longer normal. Everything you…

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Talking your SELF up.

We live in a society of people who are extremely confident in themselves. We look to idolize talent and elevate humans as somebody to be like. And that causes people to want to strive to be in the spotlight and get that recognition. When I first moved to LA, I notice a commonality in the…

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