I Missed It

Coming back to LA 5:30 in the morning, my flight from New Zealand is just about to land as I look out to millions of lights below.  There was one freeway that I knew exactly which one it was because of the amount of traffic it had on it.  White head lights heading into the…

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I love you because I do!

If you were asked to fill in the blanks to this question, how would you answer it? I love my __________ because __________________________. (Take a minute and think about it.) Now if you are married you might want to say, I love my spouse because… and then list a bunch of reason why you love…

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I built my Kingdom!

I have to apologize for this post in advance, it might be really offensive to some of you but that is not my intentions.  Lately God has really been tugging on my heart about a few things and I can’t stop these thoughts from overpowering my actions.  This has been extremely heavy and the convictions…

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How was your welcome?  Did you feel comfortable enough when you came through our doors here at church?  Do you need more room?  Can I get you some water?  Is the temperature in here ok with you?  Did the preacher make you feel good today?  I really hope you enjoyed your experience here and will…

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I almost passed him by!

I was just out for a stroll on the streets of Wellington all by myself and my stomach started to growl.  I was getting really hungry and was on a mission to find a place that was open late.  As I turned a corner I passed a dirty homeless guy who was sitting on the…

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The Christian Life!

“Come to Jesus and your life will be perfect and everything will be all good!”  That statement is such a lie!  When I came to Christ, everything became harder, and life seemed only to fall apart.  Things were not perfect, and things were not amazing!  Just like anybody else going through life, it was tough…

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The Wooden Spoon!

When I was growing up I actually got into a lot of trouble.  Yeah, I know hard to believe, right?  But, I did, and I must say I had some amazing parents that loved me enough to try and set my ways straight.  Although at the time I didn’t think they were very loving, always…

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Do Not Give Up!

I have to admit, when things get tough it is so easy just to give up and move on.  My whole world is surrounded by options and cheap replacements.  When you get sick of something just move on to something else.  Everything becomes nothing more then just a simple satisfaction that is fulfilled by a temporary…

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What Was I Thinking?

What in the world was I thinking?  January 2014, I packed up my stuff and jumped on a plane with only the words of “GO 2014”.  Who in their right mind is crazy enough to give up the comforts of what they know and walk into the unknown.  To leave my friends, family, house, job…

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A catfish gobbled up my heart

It was just a normal day, logged onto some social media to see what was going on in the world and so say hi to all my friends back home. Decided to jump onto Facebook and waste my day looking at all the amazing things that people are doing while just wishing I was as…

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