Ninja Training!!!

I remember back in the days when nothing in this universe would stop me.  I had trained under the best ninja’s in the world; the ninja turtles.  At any given time I was outside making weapons and living in this place where I was a super hero.  I was going to save the world and…

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Re-learning How to Drive

Over time, we develop patterns that become natural to us.  I lived in the USA for 32 years of my life and had been driving for 17 of those years.  So driving on the right side of the road was just natural and what you do.  About a year ago I had moved to New…

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As Long As…

I find that so many people love this idea of Christianity, I mean after all who wouldn’t want to live in a world based on love?  A place where everybody is patient, kind, not envious, boastful or proud.  A place where we all honor each other, selflessly, unangered, keeping no records of wrongs.  Where we…

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The Have “Nots” Always Want What The “Haves” Have

Just the other day I was having a conversation with my flatmate, and as we were talking his business partner calls, he pauses and says he has to take the call.  So politely I said, no worries go ahead and talk with your buddy.  After his conversation, he jumped right back into a conversation with…

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I Am Sick Of Playing Church!

Another Sunday comes around, we get dressed up, jump in the car and head over to church. On the way, somebody cuts us off. We get extremely upset because that person was so selfish to get in our way and cause us to be a little late, not getting our favorite parking spot. As we…

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Are You Teachable?

A few years ago I was meeting with my mentor and having a conversation about how some of the choices I was making were leading me down a path of destruction.  He started to point things out to me about how they were bad, and I shouldn’t be doing them. My immediate reaction was to…

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10 Tips For Better Communication

Over the years, I have had the incredible opportunity to work with countless people and counsel them in the struggles and joys of life.  I have learned a few helpful tips on how to communicate better.  This list is not exhaustive, and I am sure I could write a book on this, but I hope…

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Love is Patient

There is beauty in patience, because it requires you to wait on the Lord.  We come from a society that is instant gratification based.  If something takes longer then our patience will allow, we move on to something else.  That same societal norm has also infiltrated our relationships.  I am not just talking about the…

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Is It Really LOVE?

When you love somebody, there is always an action.  Without any actions, love does not exist.  So, what exactly is love?  We throw the “L” word around as an everyday word, used throughout our day.  I love TV, I love my dog, I love playing soccer, but when it comes to people it should be…

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Don’t Give Up!

I can’t tell you how many times in life I have been to a point of wanting to give up and just go to heaven already. When I look back at all those times of feeling like I was helpless and wanting to give up there is one thing all those experiences had in common. …

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