Nowadays, it seems like everybody lives life with this sense of entitlement.  As if the world owes us everything and we deserve things just to be given to us.  I question why?   Why do people think  just because they want it, or just because they are born, others should give up what they have for…

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The older I get the more I realize how hard this life can be.  Things don’t always go according to plan and when things are really good, somebody is always there to stomp on your parade.  Sometimes we even encounter things in life that can be a huge blow to us, like death or disease;…

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I don’t need God

I grew up in a small little town of Central California.  My Mom and Dad both worked full time jobs to provide for the family and although there were times where it was extremely tight with money and things got hard, they were never in a position where they couldn’t handle things on their own. …

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How was your welcome?  Did you feel comfortable enough when you came through our doors here at church?  Do you need more room?  Can I get you some water?  Is the temperature in here ok with you?  Did the preacher make you feel good today?  I really hope you enjoyed your experience here and will…

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Your Accident Is Unacceptable!

I must say that I absolutely love our Youth Group.  God has really given me an amazing group of leaders and kids to minister to.  Each week when Monday comes around, I get really excited knowing that I get to hang out with some amazing teenagers.  To see them grow and mature in their faith…

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The Christian Life!

“Come to Jesus and your life will be perfect and everything will be all good!”  That statement is such a lie!  When I came to Christ, everything became harder, and life seemed only to fall apart.  Things were not perfect, and things were not amazing!  Just like anybody else going through life, it was tough…

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I Am Sick Of Playing Church!

Another Sunday comes around, we get dressed up, jump in the car and head over to church. On the way, somebody cuts us off. We get extremely upset because that person was so selfish to get in our way and cause us to be a little late, not getting our favorite parking spot. As we…

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I am the Glue

I am the glue that holds everything together; without me this ministry would fall apart.  I make sure that everything goes according to plan; that the worship is good, that people are getting plugged in, and that people are excited to come.  I am the center and it is because of me that things go…

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Double Standards

I actually witnessed something pretty odd the other day. There was a guy who was pulling out of a side road onto Rosecrans and totally cut off this girl; to a point where she almost crashed her car.  Luckily she was able to pump her brakes and avoid the accident.  The man looked at her…

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Evil with Evil

Over the years, I can look back at my life and see that I have been wronged many times and my first reaction seems to be one that we all struggle with.  Revenge…  Payback…  and Self Exaltation. There is something about humiliation that doesn’t sit right with with our pride and therefore we try to…

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