
I actually witnessed something pretty odd the other day.

There was a guy who was pulling out of a side road onto Rosecrans and totally cut off this girl; to a point where she almost crashed her car.  Luckily she was able to pump her brakes and avoid the accident.  The man looked at her and then kept driving as if nothing even happened.  I  kept my eye on him to make sure that he wasn’t going to do anything crazy and try to do some demolition derby with my car.  A couple of stop lights later, there was another car that accidentally made the decision to pull into the flow of traffic.  But they pulled out a little to soon and jumped right in front of the guy causing him to slow down a bit.

I watched this all unfold and as I looked at the man, he was furious!  Screaming and yelling!  If the cars were to stop I felt like he was going to get out and kill the person who just cut him off!  My first thought was “Are you so quick to forget what you just did? You just almost caused a wreck by making the mistake and pulling out in front of this woman and now here you are getting mad at this person for pulling out in front of you making you slow down a little bit?”

This happens too often in our lives!  We do something to somebody leaving them in an uncomfortable position against their will and it’s okay.  But anytime somebody does something to us we immediately get mad at them and say how could they?  That is a double standard in which we should not live!

Try this…  Next time something bad happens to you take a deep breath, count how many times you have done that to somebody else, and then see what happens.  Even better next time somebody wrongs you, look at all the countless times you have wronged Jesus in your daily life, who we sent to the Cross because of our sins.  This should point to grace and mercy in our lives!

Live a life of forgiveness and understanding because nobody is perfect, just forgiven through what Jesus did on the cross.

Double Standards

forgiven • May 31, 2013

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