It’s a dark world, Be the light

It’s been a really difficult year. 2020 will forever mark a time in history that was filled with fear, uncertainty, pain, sickness, loss, anger, hatred, and confusion. People have suffered through isolation, losing their jobs, and the death of their loved ones. And as the months pass by, people start to lose more hope, and…

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Loving Jesus VS Being a Christian

I woke up with this on my mind and it really was a message to me. But I decided to write it because I know it will impact many others that call themselves Christians. When I was 13 I gave my life to Jesus and started to call myself a Christian. I would pick up…

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Will you be forgotten?

We are but a vapor and then forgotten.  As much as I want to believe that my life means so much more, the reality is that within a couple generations I will be forgotten.  I will be a piece to my family lineage that is never thought about or remembered.  That is the reality!  Only…

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An encounter with Evil

When you go to a other countries you get to experience different ways of life. For me the stories of Africa that I heard about became so much more than just that, it became real.  They were not longer just words in passing but a reality that was before me. In Africa, anytime you want…

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My entire life I was raised in this bubble called America, where my world view was shaped by the music I listened to, the TV and movies I watched, and the people I was around. My goals and visions were based on how I can impress people with all that I have accomplished and material…

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Why give up your life?

You jump on a plane that leads you to a plane that will get you to another plane. This plane jumping continues for about 30 hours, mainly in the air just to reach your final destination. When you get to the African mission field everything changes and your norms are no longer normal. Everything you…

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For the love of Money

Growing up I was really into this group called Bone Thugs N Harmony.  They were the pioneers of tongue twisting rap, where they would flow out super quick rhymes and make it sound really easy and smooth.  It was actually pretty impressive!  One year they came out with a song called “For the Love of…

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Marriage and Ministry – Double or Cut in Half?

About a year ago I was talking with a friend who came from the states and had been a missionary for many years.  We got to talking about relationships and he gave me some really good advice that hit me.  He said “The person you choose to marry will either Double your life and ministry…

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My birthday was yesterday and I realized that I am one year older.  Funny how that works!  Each year God takes you through a journey that will grow you, teach you and allow you to gain more wisdom.  The older you are, the more life experience you have, and that can either be good or…

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I will miss you!

He had lived a life of struggles and pain, some self afflicted and some were out of his control.  Two years ago I was looking for a place to live and God brought me to this house where I met this guy named David.  He was an older gentleman but super nice and I felt…

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