GONZ – New Zealand

In February 2014 I jumped the ditch from Australia to New Zealand to come over and help out with one of the local churches.  When I got here, I was overwhelmed with all the help that they needed so prayed as to which direction I would go for the rest of 2014.  I felt like…

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How much am I worth?

Working for a company is a very interesting way of life.  When you get a job you have the ability to negotiate your worth by the salary that is offered and talked about with you and your employer.   If they feel that you could be a strong asset to the company they might be willing…

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My last $30

Being out here as a missionary, I have had to learn how to be content with nothing but at the same time have watched God do some amazing things. This morning I woke up with an agenda to get some pretty important things done.  One was to go and get a warrant of fitness for…

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Not good for man to be alone

With aging comes experiences and life lessons. The older I get the more I sit and contemplate this idea of living life. In the bible there is one scripture that is tossed around as a promise that every single person holds on to. “It is not good for man to be alone.” And then you…

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He Just Didn’t See It…

He just didn’t see it…. He had been given a gift that was from God and because of all the walls that had been built up there was no way for Him to see what was right in front of him.  This woman was perfect for him; the connection they had was amazing, but there…

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