
With aging comes experiences and life lessons. The older I get the more I sit and contemplate this idea of living life. In the bible there is one scripture that is tossed around as a promise that every single person holds on to. “It is not good for man to be alone.” And then you see that God creates Eve out of the rib of Adam to become his life helper.

I see this and think, that is wonderful… Everybody has a life partner just waiting for them to be united and live happily ever after. But as I look around at the people I know, there are many people who have found that life mate to share life with, have kids, do ministry, form daily routines with, and also have somebody that they can give their hearts to. But then I also look at the other side of things where I have some pretty amazing Christian friends who love the Lord with all their hearts, great character and really desire to be married, yet haven’t been blessed with that special somebody.

So is this really a promise for marriage? Is it a guarantee that we will all get married and live happily ever after? The older I get, the more I begin to realize that although many may get married, not everybody will. Coming to this realization, if this is the case for my life then will I die a lonely man? A guy who will never experience having somebody to live life with? Who knows?

Many of you who are reading this might be in this same boat, of wondering why you are still single. You feel your clock is ticking and you don’t have much longer before that window closes. The pressure is on, and the more you look around to find all your friends getting married, the more you wonder what is wrong with you or how come they found somebody but you didn’t. Bitterness might over come you and you look to God for answers or even worse to push blame.

What if through all the focus on finding a spouse you miss out on the blessings of what God could have been talking about. As somebody who God called to leave everything behind and go into the unknown, I am starting to see the importance of what it means to not be alone. Not just in the marriage sense, but in life. It is not good for people to live this life alone! I feel that scripture is so much deeper than just marriage, I think it is about true fellowship of brothers and sisters coming together to live life. If you are so focused on finding that right spouse to be happy and not alone, you miss out on the friendships that could be developed to help you walk through the good and the bad times.

We all need people in our lives to walk with; especially all us single people. It is not good for man to be alone and that is why we have the body of Christ. Don’t neglect the blessings of those people in your life who will be there for you. Build those relationships stronger and through that your loneliness will fade. Where you put your focus will be the friendship that you will build.

Trust God!


forgiven • May 12, 2015

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