Who has your heart?

Your heart is an extremely precious thing.  It’s a very vulnerable piece of you that reveals who or what you are a slave to.  The person who controls the heart controls the person.  If your heart is wicked, the DEVIL will manipulate you into evil ways doing the things that will push his agenda.  If…

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I love you because I do!

If you were asked to fill in the blanks to this question, how would you answer it? I love my __________ because __________________________. (Take a minute and think about it.) Now if you are married you might want to say, I love my spouse because… and then list a bunch of reason why you love…

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Nothing But The BEST

She was absolutely amazing and everything about this girl just drew me more and more to her. My love for her was more than I could ever imagine, so much so, that I would have done anything for her. I couldn’t wait for that next message, or just to hear her voice. I wanted to…

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