The Relationship Tank

The other day I was filling up my gas tank and started thinking about what you put into your car and how it actually matters.  There is something very specific that is needed to make your car move, and that is gas.  If I try to put anything else into the gas tank, it will…

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The Center of Gain

It’s funny the things we do when we want something.  People will react in different ways according to how they learned to get what they wanted when they were growing up.  If you are use to getting your way and something stops you from doing that, we all resort back to finding a way to…

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You might call me weird, but from the start I have always been a math person.  There is something about problem solving with a definite answer that I loved to try and figure out.  I started with learning how to count my ninja turtles, then moved into the more advanced stuff as I got older. …

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You Should Not Marry A Christian… unless

On my continuous journey of finding a match made in heaven, my soul mate, my perfect unicorn, I can’t help but contemplate what I would look for in a wife.  Since it is the second biggest decision of my life I want make sure that I don’t mess this one up.  Nobody wants to end…

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The Christian Life!

“Come to Jesus and your life will be perfect and everything will be all good!”  That statement is such a lie!  When I came to Christ, everything became harder, and life seemed only to fall apart.  Things were not perfect, and things were not amazing!  Just like anybody else going through life, it was tough…

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Waiting and Watching

He became very protective of his emotions and who he gave his heart to.  Maybe it had been from past experiences with girls not caring for his most prize possession. But one thing was for sure, it would take a special woman to capture the heart of this man.   She would have to be willing…

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Something About This Girl!

There was something about her that I just couldn’t figure out.  It was like she had a glow that shined brighter than anybody I knew.  There was a permanent smile on her face that could get you through life with total comfort.  How could she flow with so much joy in her life?  No matter…

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He Was Changed

As he walked up with a limp, it looked as though something was wrong.  He had dark shades on that covered his eyes, and a beanie that covered his head.  A thick cholo looking jacket covered his body, and he was wearing a pair of work boots. As he walked up I really didn’t know what to…

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How much am I worth?

Working for a company is a very interesting way of life.  When you get a job you have the ability to negotiate your worth by the salary that is offered and talked about with you and your employer.   If they feel that you could be a strong asset to the company they might be willing…

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My last $30

Being out here as a missionary, I have had to learn how to be content with nothing but at the same time have watched God do some amazing things. This morning I woke up with an agenda to get some pretty important things done.  One was to go and get a warrant of fitness for…

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