
You might call me weird, but from the start I have always been a math person.  There is something about problem solving with a definite answer that I loved to try and figure out.  I started with learning how to count my ninja turtles, then moved into the more advanced stuff as I got older.  As I moved into more complicated math, whole numbers turned into fractions and my mind started to really expand!  Numerators, denominators, proper and improper fraction.  At a young age the complexity seemed to be over many peoples heads, but it came easy for me.

This morning as I was praying God showed me something about how the math that I learned years ago can apply to dating relationships and marriage.  This is what popped into my head.  In a relationship there is always a common denominator; that is you.  No matter what, you will always be in the relationship that you enter into; if not, it’s not your relationship.  So you will always be the denominator.  (The number on the bottom) The person who you enter into a relationship will be the numerator.  (The number on top)

(This is not an equation for marriage but just an analogy to look to see if you are spiritually compatible)

Now from a spiritual stand point if you are a strong believer in Christ and put God first in your life then you will have a higher number as the denominator.  (Let’s say /4)  Now if you look at your partner and they don’t even believe in God the will be a lower numerator.  (Let’s say 1/)  So when you put that fraction together it will be bottom heavy (1/4) and unequal in spiritual standing.  Your relationship will only operate at 25% of spiritual capacity.

When you get married the bible says you become one.  In order for that to be fully maximized your numbers should be the same.  So if you love Jesus and put him first ( /4) and your partner loves Jesus and put Him first (4/4), then you will be on the same level to become one.

I know there are a lot of holes in this idea and It isn’t a matter of Truth but just something to think about when you are looking to get married.  The bible talks about being equally yoked for a reason.  That reason is so that two people can challenge and inspire each other to grow closer to Christ.  If you marry somebody that doesn’t love Jesus as much as you, than all that will do is pull you away from God leaving you worse off than before getting married.  Marriage is the 2nd biggest decision of your life (behind giving your life to Jesus), so take who you marry serious because it is for life.


forgiven • September 1, 2016

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