Unrealistic Marriage Expectations

At the age of 18 I was engaged to a woman whom I thought I was going to marry. I had it all figured out and was the master of marriage; so I thought. What I have learned over the years from my relationships and from watching others, is how far off I was when…

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It’s amazing that you can read the bible, and even quote scripture but still not fully understand it until God gives you a true revelation of what it means.  In the book of Matthew Chapter 5 Jesus sees the crowds and walks up the mountain side and sits down.  His disciples then follow him up…

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Relationships are a Team Sport!

I absolutely love team sports.  Just the idea of having to work with others to accomplish the same goal can turn into a fun challenge.  The teams that do well are the ones that have the players that can learn how to adapt and work within each others strengths, while understanding their own.  The greatest…

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Looking for a Wife or Husband?

Marriage is two imperfect selfish sinners coming together to glorify God. So what does this mean for single guy like me?  It means everything!  Before going into marriage it is critical to know what you are getting into.  Nobody goes into marriage thinking that they are going to get a divorce, but it happens.  I…

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