Think About it.

I was going through the scriptures this morning during my quiet time at the coffee shop and something hit me pretty hard.    Proverbs 14:15   “A simple man believes anything, but a prudent man gives thought to his steps”.   A simple man here refers to those who are persuaded easy because they lack Judgment…

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I am in Love!

I am in Love!! Every time I think about her my stomach flutters with butterflies and I can’t control these emotions that overtake my every thought.  This uncontrollable desire to want to spend my every moment with her causes the romantic side of me to create ways to get out of my normal routine so…

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Why are you so angry?

I am not a very angry person and in fact I am extremely calm and collective in most situations, but I have been thinking about anger and why we get so mad all the time. I was driving home from work bumpin my worship music, singing and praising to the Lord probably looking like an…

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Wow, She is truly Beautiful!

As I looked over, there she was, the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Her eyes lit up the room and just gave her a glow that would pull any guy in.  When she would smile, all heads would turn because they couldn’t resist her beauty.   Even though she had tons of guys…

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It also effects others.

What other people don’t know won’t hurt them, right?  We tend to compromise our sin by thinking that if we do something then that won’t effect others. We can see that is far from the truth and everything that we do doesn’t only effect our life but it could effect the lives of those around…

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If only I had…

When you compare yourself to others and what they have, you will NEVER be fully content because there is always something that others have that you don’t.  There is only one way to be content and that is to look to Christ and not other people.  When you start to understand this concept you begin…

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A Parched Soul

The land was dry and water was not something that they could just go to the store and get.  It is extremely scarce and would take hours just to get to the nearest water source.  Daily, people of this village would wake up in the morning just to travel to get something that was a…

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