chooseloveI am in Love!!

Every time I think about her my stomach flutters with butterflies and I can’t control these emotions that overtake my every thought.  This uncontrollable desire to want to spend my every moment with her causes the romantic side of me to create ways to get out of my normal routine so that I have an excuse to spend time blessing her in ways that she can’t imagine.  I love this feeling of not being able to live with out her, and always waiting for the next time that I get to spend time with her.  We have all experienced this emotional high of being on cloud 9 in love.

One thing that I have learned over the years is that I really had no clue what True love was.  Butterflies and the honeymoon stage of a relationship is not true love.  Don’t get me wrong, it is an amazing feeling but I believe that real love comes when that stage is gone and you have to make a choice.  I heard Pastor Alistair Begg say that “LOVE ISN’T SOMETHING YOU FALL INTO, IT IS A CHOICE.” 

So Many times we choose to be in LOVE WITH LOVE itself and are always chasing those butterflies, but there will come a time when all that wears off and you will have to make a choice to continue to love that person or give up.  Unfortunately, we give up all to often and that is why our divorce rate is so high.  Our perfect example of True Unconditional Love comes from Jesus Christ who chooses to love us.  Think about it, God is God and can do whatever He wants, yet he CHOOSES to Love us even in our sinfulness.  We don’t deserve His love if we are honest with ourselves and that is why we should choose to love those like Christ loved us.

Just imagine if we actually chose to live our life for Christ, how different our lives would be.  Also imagine if we lived our live choosing to love others, even those that seem unlovable.  Our lives would be different and it would change other people to love Christ!  Don’t Give up, continue to seek out Christ and pray that He would give you the ability to Love the way He loves; Unconditionally.

I was in love with love, but now I am in love with Christ!


forgiven • February 14, 2012

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