As I looked over, there she was, the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Her eyes lit up the room and just gave her a glow that would pull any guy in.  When she would smile, all heads would turn because they couldn’t resist her beauty.   Even though she had tons of guys around her, I had to go approach her.  As I was walking up to her, our eyes locked, and she gave me a smile that would send butterflies throughout my body.

With fear and trembling I introduced myself to her and everything in the room just disappeared and it seemed like we were the only two in existence.  There was something about her that I felt like I could not pull my eyes off of her, her beauty was just too much for me.  As we kept talking I felt something telling me to look deeper and listen to what she had to say; so I did.

As she would talk, she became the center of attention and everything that she would say would come from her confidence in her outward beauty.  That is where she found her security.  She was beautiful and she knew it!

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting(comes and goes);  but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. Proverbs 31:30

Her charm was deceptive and pulled guys in to get all the attention and feel accepted.  I started to really think about the situation and again a thought came to me;  this is lust, not love!  Would I be able to love her for who she is, or is it her outward appearance that I was in love with.  As we get older, our bodies deteriorate making us less attractive on the outside and if we don’t have Godly Character what is there to love on the inside.  It was a setup for disaster.  The more I thought about this, the more I realized that it’s not just your outward appearance that makes you beautiful.  It is Christ living in you that makes your true beauty shine.  It is hard for those that are beautiful according to the worlds standards to have Godly Character but it is the only beauty that will last forever.

See what really matters!   Strive for Godly Character not fleeting appearances.


forgiven • November 30, 2011

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