The Wooden Spoon!

When I was growing up I actually got into a lot of trouble.  Yeah, I know hard to believe, right?  But, I did, and I must say I had some amazing parents that loved me enough to try and set my ways straight.  Although at the time I didn’t think they were very loving, always…

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Do Not Give Up!

I have to admit, when things get tough it is so easy just to give up and move on.  My whole world is surrounded by options and cheap replacements.  When you get sick of something just move on to something else.  Everything becomes nothing more then just a simple satisfaction that is fulfilled by a temporary…

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Are You Free?

Money is the root of all evil!!  Right? Actually money in itself is not evil, the actual scripture says “the LOVE of money is the root of all kinds of evils.” 1 Timothy 6:10 Money is not bad, it just an object that can’t do anything by itself.  What the scripture talks about is that…

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He Was Changed

As he walked up with a limp, it looked as though something was wrong.  He had dark shades on that covered his eyes, and a beanie that covered his head.  A thick cholo looking jacket covered his body, and he was wearing a pair of work boots. As he walked up I really didn’t know what to…

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My last $30

Being out here as a missionary, I have had to learn how to be content with nothing but at the same time have watched God do some amazing things. This morning I woke up with an agenda to get some pretty important things done.  One was to go and get a warrant of fitness for…

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The Relationship Messiah

I can’t wait to be married… Marriage is an incredible thing and something to look forward to if you are single. There are so many blessings that come from it, and God has designed this relationship between a man and a woman to be a beautiful way of life. The problem is how far off…

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I am not sure if you remember this name Tupac Shakur.  But I was a HUGE fan of his music.   I followed and idolized everything that he did.  When he would release a new cd, I was the first one at the music store to buy it.  If you came into my room you would…

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I Am Sick Of Playing Church!

Another Sunday comes around, we get dressed up, jump in the car and head over to church. On the way, somebody cuts us off. We get extremely upset because that person was so selfish to get in our way and cause us to be a little late, not getting our favorite parking spot. As we…

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I Went From Riches To Rags

The money started to flow in, and I didn’t know how to spend it all.  At the age of 18 I was making more money then I knew what to do with, so I started to buy the things I wanted.  I remember my first investment was a powerful computer.  It was so amazing; it…

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Channeling Love

Last night after a long day of ministry I got home and cooked up an amazing gourmet meal.  I stopped at the store just to pick up all the ingredients, and after I had thrown it in the microwave for 3 minutes, I was exhausted!  So I sat down popped on the TV and enjoyed…

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