
I can’t wait to be married…

Marriage is an incredible thing and something to look forward to if you are single. There are so many blessings that come from it, and God has designed this relationship between a man and a woman to be a beautiful way of life. The problem is how far off humans have come from their understanding of who their spouse was created to be. So often people find more disappointment than a blessing and aren’t willing to fight through the struggles that also come with the two people trying to figure life out together.

When you put a high expectation on anybody, you are setting that person up for failure. When you make that person out to be your Messiah, you are in for shattered expectations. What do I mean by making your partner your Messiah? Well, it is that person that you think will come in and make everything perfect in your life. Somebody who will fill in the blanks, to fully complete you and live happily ever after. The relationship Messiah is when you make a person out to be your Jesus. You tend to put them on a pedestal and make them your everything believing that they are perfect in every way. They could never do anything wrong in your eyes and totally take away any loneliness while your butterflies blind you from their imperfections. They are the savior of your heart and everything that you have been waiting for.

What we fail to remember is that they are imperfect people just like us who also have baggage and issues that they are dealing with. When we set the bar of messiahship on an individual, it is guaranteed that they will fail miserably. The second your blinders are gone, and the butterflies have left, reality hits you, and you start to see the truth of how messy life is when two imperfect people come together. When the lifelong relationship begins with Christ not centralized, (the real Messiah in your life), then everything will start to break down. Disappointments will continue to stack up, and the heart will break to a point of shattering to pieces.

But if Christ is placed as the Messiah in your life, then understanding the relationship becomes so much easier. Only Jesus is perfect, and your spouse can never fulfill that role. When you put God first and seek him out to do as He would do, you will find that He will fill your heart with unconditional love. This love is full of patience, kindness, forgiveness, reconciliation and so much more. When two people rightfully have Jesus as their Messiah, marriage is a beautiful thing that gives God full glory because it flows with true love that is necessary for a godly relationship.

We can not look to people like the people who will fill all of our gaps and make us whole. Only God has the power to fill our lives with his love and bond those holes making us complete. When we realize that, then we can see the beauty of two becoming one in Christ.


forgiven • March 3, 2015

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