Destination Manipulation

I don’t know about you but I think I play a good god!  I am constantly thinking that I know what is best in my life and taking the necessary steps to get to that final destination.  When something bad goes wrong, I fix it and move on.  When I want something, I manipulate whatever…

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Is this Possibile?

You, Lord, give true peace to those who depend on you, because they trust you. Isaiah 26:3 This is pretty funny because this scripture has been in my email footer for a couple years now as a way to give comfort to those that do not know Jesus.  It is only RECENTLY beginning to make…

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An Interesting Encounter

I went into Starbucks to get into word last night but as I walked in, it was packed.  There didn’t seem to be a good spot to sit down, lay out my books and read.  So I went ahead and ordered my large vanilla spice latte in hopes that a seat would open up and…

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