
You, Lord, give true peace to those who depend on you, because they trust you. Isaiah 26:3

This is pretty funny because this scripture has been in my email footer for a couple years now as a way to give comfort to those that do not know Jesus.  It is only RECENTLY beginning to make any sense to me.

Over the last 9 years I have been extremely blessed to be in a position where I haven’t had to worry about finances, not having a house to lay my head down, not having enough food to eat or any other REAL struggle.  All of those things have been available and I have lived extremely comfortable.  In fact so comfortable I was able to share the wealth with people and bless them through what God had given me.

But recently through a lot of prayer and seeking out Christ’s will for what to do next in my life, some recent events have brought me to a place of full surrender and a spot where I fully am going to have to trust God with my everything.  I have been praying that God would shut doors in places He doesn’t want me, and open the doors of where I can go to minister the gospel of Jesus Christ.  And that is where I am now, a place where the door has been closed allowing me to trust  God to open a door for me to do His will.  I am walking into the unknown, where it can be extremely scary but the crazy part about it is Isaiah 26:3 totally makes sense to me now.  I have a total peace about being pulled out of my comfort zone because I depend on Him for my everything.  When we trust Him in all things, our sense of worry, panic, and fear goes away because we know that God is in control and has put us in these situations for a reason.

I say all this to encourage you that when you trust God with your everything, you will find total peace!


forgiven • February 13, 2013

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