Wow, She is truly Beautiful!

As I looked over, there she was, the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Her eyes lit up the room and just gave her a glow that would pull any guy in.  When she would smile, all heads would turn because they couldn’t resist her beauty.   Even though she had tons of guys…

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“Only You Can Prevent Wildfires” Smokey the Bear

This morning I was thinking about fire and how fast it can spread if not taken care of quick enough.  This is a perfect representation of sin in our lives. It all begins with a sinful thought.  At that point we have two options, we can feed the flame and watch it grow or we…

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Genie in a Bottle?

As I was driving to work this morning one of my favorite Rappers of all time, Tupac Shakur, came on the radio and I started to sing along to the Lyrics.  As I was singing I started to listen to what he was rapping and it hit me how off his view of God was….

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It also effects others.

What other people don’t know won’t hurt them, right?  We tend to compromise our sin by thinking that if we do something then that won’t effect others. We can see that is far from the truth and everything that we do doesn’t only effect our life but it could effect the lives of those around…

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If only I had…

When you compare yourself to others and what they have, you will NEVER be fully content because there is always something that others have that you don’t.  There is only one way to be content and that is to look to Christ and not other people.  When you start to understand this concept you begin…

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