This morning I was thinking about fire and how fast it can spread if not taken care of quick enough.  This is a perfect representation of sin in our lives.

It all begins with a sinful thought.  At that point we have two options, we can feed the flame and watch it grow or we can put the flame out and stop it early enough to where it has no power to destroy. If we decide to feed the flame, that little thought will eventually grow to actions causing much destruction to whatever is in the way.  (I.E. Relationships, Purity, Love, etc)   When this little flame becomes a wild fire, at that point destruction has already been done and there is nothing you can do to change the past.  If we don’t stop the fire at all then what started as a little flame will bring total destruction.

Doesn’t make sense?  Look at your life and look at all the mistakes or sins you have done..  Where did they start?  With a thought that you feed that led to actions.  Now you might not be at a point of total destruction but that is good, it’s not to late to put out the fire and turn to Christ so that he can work in you and reconcile you back to him.

Smokey the Bear says it best, “we can prevent wild fires!”  But it starts with stomping out the flame before it gets out of hand and turning to Christ, our Savior from sin.

Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.  Lamentations 3:22-23


forgiven • November 28, 2011

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