Are you willing to Compromise for Marriage?

There is an expectation for people of my age to be married and have children while working on building a lifetime career and building the American dream. Most of my friends are on that path and are living that dream. So what is my problem right? How come I am still single, no kids, and…

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New Zealand Update

I really would like to thank you all for your prayers and support. God has absolutely blown my mind with what He is doing out here and how we get to be a part of it. It has been over 5 months here and even though there has been a lot change and spiritual growth,…

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Does it Matter?

Today I looked in the mirror and noticed something for the first time. It was pretty crazy what this little thing was, but it really made me wonder how life could be changing so fast! It seemed to be in hyper drive with no stop button; memories in the past and a short future here…

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An unexpected detour.

The night started off great!  We had just finished going through a bible study with the young adults group and right after I had to run and meet up with a buddy.  So jumped in the car and headed over to his place and although I am still getting to know Auckland, I thought I…

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