
Today I looked in the mirror and noticed something for the first time. It was pretty crazy what this little thing was, but it really made me wonder how life could be changing so fast! It seemed to be in hyper drive with no stop button; memories in the past and a short future here on earth. What I had found was a grey hair! Then I started to notice the lines near my eyes that pop when I smile. I come to realize that I am no longer the youth that I once was and the older I get the more my body will change and I will continue to grow into an old man. So excited!

Our looks really are fleeting and when we are young we believe it will never happen to us. But as it does, it causes us to think about those things that really matter. Things that will last forever. This has helped me realize that when choosing a wife, looks are not as important as a woman’s character and who she is in Christ.

Not discrediting attraction, but people gain weight, get wrinkly, grow grey hairs, get diseases, get sick, and continue to fall apart and grow old, BUT those who are founded in Christ will become more beautiful than ever. The wisdom and character of the Lord far outweighs what you see on the outside. If all a person has is an outward beauty then they will be in for a rude awakening when age hits them in the face, literally!

People have tried for years to stay young through plastic surgery, makeup, and more but eventually the battle will be lost. It is uncontrollable and we will all have to face it someday. However, there is something that is controllable; Character. Everyday we have a choice to build our Character in Christ and that is what truly matters.

There is nothing more beautiful than a woman who is so madly in love with Jesus that her character shines that of Christ. 🙂

10 thingsagecharacterchristiandoesfleetinggirlsgreyhairsitlifelooksmattermirroroldreadingscripture

forgiven • June 11, 2014

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