What Was I Thinking?

What in the world was I thinking?  January 2014, I packed up my stuff and jumped on a plane with only the words of “GO 2014”.  Who in their right mind is crazy enough to give up the comforts of what they know and walk into the unknown.  To leave my friends, family, house, job…

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A catfish gobbled up my heart

It was just a normal day, logged onto some social media to see what was going on in the world and so say hi to all my friends back home. Decided to jump onto Facebook and waste my day looking at all the amazing things that people are doing while just wishing I was as…

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Ninja Training!!!

I remember back in the days when nothing in this universe would stop me.  I had trained under the best ninja’s in the world; the ninja turtles.  At any given time I was outside making weapons and living in this place where I was a super hero.  I was going to save the world and…

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Dodging Solicitors…

I was on a mission to find a gift for a friend back in NZ, but just wasn’t having any luck. He is all about America and loves everything about our amazing nation. So I thought, a tee shirt with the American flag would be an amazing gift for him. I started to drive store…

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He Wasn’t There…

What would you do if the person you loved the most died? That person that had the most impact on you during your life and was always there for you. Somebody that poured into your life and always wanted what was best for you even if you didn’t know what that was. What if you…

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