Love is not Arrogant or Rude

I used to have this friend that thought he was God’s gift to the world.  In his head, he thought that everything that he did was equivalent to perfection.  If he walked down the street, he thought every girl was drooling over him and wanted to have his babies.  When he would talk about sports,…

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Love is Kind

Can you imagine a world where everybody was kind to one another?  Now for me growing up, that wasn’t a common word that I heard in the vocabulary of others.  Every once in a while I would hear somebody say it but didn’t know the true meaning of kindness.  So if you are anything like…

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Love is Patient

There is beauty in patience, because it requires you to wait on the Lord.  We come from a society that is instant gratification based.  If something takes longer then our patience will allow, we move on to something else.  That same societal norm has also infiltrated our relationships.  I am not just talking about the…

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Is It Really LOVE?

When you love somebody, there is always an action.  Without any actions, love does not exist.  So, what exactly is love?  We throw the “L” word around as an everyday word, used throughout our day.  I love TV, I love my dog, I love playing soccer, but when it comes to people it should be…

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The Chase

I have never been the type of guy that would go hard and chase after a woman.  I have always felt that I would trust God and just wait to see if that relationship was from God or not.  In a way, it was easy to protect my heart when the relationship ended.  I would…

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Love is Attractive.

We live in a world bombarded by hate, hopelessness, negativity, and challenges.  All you have to do is turn on the news or listen to the conversations of those people around you.  It is all about one self and how we can one up somebody else at work, or do better than the next person…

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Are you seeking a perfect person?

The Story that I am about to tell is me being real for the sake of transparency and hope that others will know that they are not alone in this world.  Society has manipulated human standards and it is good to bring this to light. In 1998, I took my first Photoshop class in High…

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We were doing a local outreach to the community here when this older gentleman who had a few kids with him that really looked down and out came to get some food.  His shirt didn’t look it had been washed since he got it with stains everywhere and ripped clothes.  When I looked over at…

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Consuming People

Humans really are a species that consumes everything and then spits it out not looking back at the effects that it had on what it consumed.  Our selfish sinful desire tells us that if we want something, whatever the cost go get it.  Put US and ME first and don’t worry about the repercussions of…

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Hard Times

I was hanging out with my buddy today doing a few errands before leaving to Middle Earth and Big lots was one of the destination places to pick up some things for my dog.  We went inside, found what we were looking for and then walked out.  As we exited the doors, there was a…

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