Anything Beyond is a Blessing.

What if you could change your entire perspective on life and everything around you started to take a different shape in how you saw things?  What if you started to look at the things you have, and those items became enough? Over the last couple years God has really been doing that in my life. …

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The Wooden Spoon!

When I was growing up I actually got into a lot of trouble.  Yeah, I know hard to believe, right?  But, I did, and I must say I had some amazing parents that loved me enough to try and set my ways straight.  Although at the time I didn’t think they were very loving, always…

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Nothing But The BEST

She was absolutely amazing and everything about this girl just drew me more and more to her. My love for her was more than I could ever imagine, so much so, that I would have done anything for her. I couldn’t wait for that next message, or just to hear her voice. I wanted to…

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Timing really is everything, and even though we want something right away God might have a different plan. I am learning a critical lesson in life and it has to do with trusting God to do things in HIS timing and not my own. When we try to do things in our timing we manipulate…

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