Do your words Matter?

The question is… Do the words that we speak about others really matter? You can’t turn on any form of media nowadays without listening to the opinions of other people.  And for me, it is very rare to hear anything positive and encouraging from the mouths of those talking about others.  But how does that…

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Will you be forgotten?

We are but a vapor and then forgotten.  As much as I want to believe that my life means so much more, the reality is that within a couple generations I will be forgotten.  I will be a piece to my family lineage that is never thought about or remembered.  That is the reality!  Only…

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Put to Death all that is unhealthy!

It seems like every where we turn now a days, somebody is diagnosed with some sort of life threatening disease. I have experienced this first hand in my family with my dad being attacked with cancer. That was the first time that I saw a disease take over a body and destroy what was once…

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I will miss you!

He had lived a life of struggles and pain, some self afflicted and some were out of his control.  Two years ago I was looking for a place to live and God brought me to this house where I met this guy named David.  He was an older gentleman but super nice and I felt…

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Till DEATH Do You Part…

Till, death do you part…. That is a very interesting statement that holds a lot weight from the tongue on your wedding day.  Millions if not Billions of people have said those exact words all over the world to tell their  partner with the intention of making a bounding commitment for life.  The only thing…

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Don’t Judge Me!

He had been dealing with something for a long time now and finally worked up the courage to talk to me about it because he just couldn’t live with it any longer.  He was sickened by the life style that he had been living in and really wanted out.  That day he came to me…

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He Wasn’t There…

What would you do if the person you loved the most died? That person that had the most impact on you during your life and was always there for you. Somebody that poured into your life and always wanted what was best for you even if you didn’t know what that was. What if you…

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What The Heck Is Wrong With Me???

I was having a conversation the other day, and as I was telling this guy about my life, he said something that hit me hard.  He said, “Trav, you’re 33 years old.  Look at your life!  You don’t have anything to show for it.  Most people your age are married and have kids.  They are working nice…

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I Want To Go Home

Stuck in a hospital bed, full of pain and endless thoughts going through his mind of his near future. The doctors told us it was a matter of time before he would die, so we spend as much time as we could with him. As the family gathered in the room enjoying our time with…

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My First Date Since The Honeymoon. Pt 1

It’s been a while since I have been able to sneak away and go on a full all day date.  But this one I wanted to make extra special.  My plan was to wake up REALLY early, like 3:30 am early and take a three-hour drive to watch the sunrise in Coromandel.  Everybody I talked…

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