Not good for man to be alone

With aging comes experiences and life lessons. The older I get the more I sit and contemplate this idea of living life. In the bible there is one scripture that is tossed around as a promise that every single person holds on to. “It is not good for man to be alone.” And then you…

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What Was I Thinking?

What in the world was I thinking?  January 2014, I packed up my stuff and jumped on a plane with only the words of “GO 2014”.  Who in their right mind is crazy enough to give up the comforts of what they know and walk into the unknown.  To leave my friends, family, house, job…

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Ninja Training!!!

I remember back in the days when nothing in this universe would stop me.  I had trained under the best ninja’s in the world; the ninja turtles.  At any given time I was outside making weapons and living in this place where I was a super hero.  I was going to save the world and…

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The Relationship Messiah

I can’t wait to be married… Marriage is an incredible thing and something to look forward to if you are single. There are so many blessings that come from it, and God has designed this relationship between a man and a woman to be a beautiful way of life. The problem is how far off…

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The Have “Nots” Always Want What The “Haves” Have

Just the other day I was having a conversation with my flatmate, and as we were talking his business partner calls, he pauses and says he has to take the call.  So politely I said, no worries go ahead and talk with your buddy.  After his conversation, he jumped right back into a conversation with…

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Are You Teachable?

A few years ago I was meeting with my mentor and having a conversation about how some of the choices I was making were leading me down a path of destruction.  He started to point things out to me about how they were bad, and I shouldn’t be doing them. My immediate reaction was to…

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What The Heck Is Wrong With Me???

I was having a conversation the other day, and as I was telling this guy about my life, he said something that hit me hard.  He said, “Trav, you’re 33 years old.  Look at your life!  You don’t have anything to show for it.  Most people your age are married and have kids.  They are working nice…

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Channeling Love

Last night after a long day of ministry I got home and cooked up an amazing gourmet meal.  I stopped at the store just to pick up all the ingredients, and after I had thrown it in the microwave for 3 minutes, I was exhausted!  So I sat down popped on the TV and enjoyed…

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I Want To Go Home

Stuck in a hospital bed, full of pain and endless thoughts going through his mind of his near future. The doctors told us it was a matter of time before he would die, so we spend as much time as we could with him. As the family gathered in the room enjoying our time with…

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He waited 7 plus 7 years for marriage

  Over the last couple months I have been learning more and more about what real love is and how to apply it. So looking through the bible I have found scripture that have given me a better understanding of the Love of God.   1 Corinthians 13 has a list of these characteristics that show…

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