The 4 of Clubs

We all had a just finished playing a game of cards so I picked up the deck to try something that I wasn’t sure would even work.  I wanted to totally mess with my roommate and do something they had never ever ever ever seen before.  I started to shuffle the cards.. Mixed them up…

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Stay Connected!

There seems to be this strong theme in my life right now that is extremely powerful and totally makes sense. TO GROW IN YOUR FAITH, STAY CONNECTED TO THE SOURCE. Jesus tells us in John 15:5  “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will…

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It Begins…

The lights begin to fade, as the music starts to rise. The people begin to fill their seats and it begins. The thumping of the drums controlling your heart beat as you just close your eyes and feel the presence of the Holy Spirit. Everything around you vanishes and it is just you and God,…

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