
The lights begin to fade, as the music starts to rise.

The people begin to fill their seats and it begins.

The thumping of the drums controlling your heart beat

as you just close your eyes and feel the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Everything around you vanishes and it is just you and God,

clear mind, unbroken communication, and a willing heart ready to listen

to the whispering of your heavenly Father.


This overwhelming feeling of arms being wrapped around you

as you feel the worries of this world being taken off your shoulders

and placed at the feet of Jesus.   “I love you”  He whispers,

and at that point you know that nothing in the world can get in the

way of you and God.  All your worries, All your struggles, All left behind.


The drum beats harder…

The guitars play a chord that strum a tingle  of Joy..

The keys flutter your heart and as the lyrics ascend to heaven

you become still, and realize your body is in shock

because of who you are worshiping.


With your eyes closed the sounds of voices begin to sound like angels.

Unity of everything coming together in perfection brings a smile to your face

because you know that God is by your side.

He sits with you smiling back,  listening to your prayers and

enjoys the quality time that you choose to spend with him.


You begin to wonder if this is what heaven will be like…

Fully surrendered, fully devoted, unadulterated worship

to the creator who knit our very being together full of love.


The excitement of lifting up praises to God, allowing the Holy Spirit to work in you,

pushes you to want to pick up your cross and follow after Jesus Christ.

It doesn’t stop here with worship,  IT ONLY BEGINS…


forgiven • August 5, 2013

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