There seems to be this strong theme in my life right now that is extremely powerful and totally makes sense.


Jesus tells us in John 15:5  “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”  This word remain is the hard part.  We get so caught up in things of this world that try to rip us off of a fruitful life in Jesus that we forget to stay connected to the Source of life.

For so long I have tried to fit Jesus into my life and agenda that I would only spend time with Him, the maker of the universe, when I had that extra time to do so.  How can this be?  Who am I to say… God you are good, you give me life, you give me breathe, you give me joy, you give me everything I have, and everything I am; my talents, my gifts, my friends, my family, all this comes from you, but I don’t want to spend time with you or read your word.  Who am I?

We can do nothing apart from God and I experience this all the time.  When I try and do things on my own, it ends up being a failure and I feel lost and defeated.  But when I stay connected to Christ and seek out His will for my life, I know that nothing can stop me because He gives and takes away in His choosing for my good.

I want to encourage you to seek after Christ and find Joy that can never be taken away from you.  Spend time with God and put Him first before all things.  He is worthy of our praise so let’s give it to Him.  🙂  Things of this world will pass, but God will always be.   If we want to grow in our faith, we have to stay connected to the source that gives us life.  God Bless you!

forgiven • August 19, 2013

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