You might call me weird, but from the start I have always been a math person.  There is something about problem solving with a definite answer that I loved to try and figure out.  I started with learning how to count my ninja turtles, then moved into the more advanced stuff as I got older. …

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I really question if many human beings understand what true love is.  I have heard many different opinions on what people think it is, but when they have to pin it down to something simple it becomes a challenge.  They say things like its an emotion that they feel or something they enjoy.  Things they…

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I don’t need God

I grew up in a small little town of Central California.  My Mom and Dad both worked full time jobs to provide for the family and although there were times where it was extremely tight with money and things got hard, they were never in a position where they couldn’t handle things on their own. …

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Words Came out!

Recently God has been showing me the power of speaking words and how they really can effect people.  So many times I have been talking with somebody and all of a sudden words start coming out of my mouth and I can’t stop them!!   Sometimes they have been really wise and totally from the Lord,…

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You did WHAT? For free?

Almost 3 years ago God called me to leave everything behind and just go.  Not knowing what I was getting into I soon came to realize that the visa that I ended up coming to New Zealand on was very specific.  As long as I worked for the church and was paid through them, I…

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Get It Yourself

Growing up my dad use to tell me if I wanted something, I have to go get it myself because he wasn’t going to pay for it.  So at a young age that is what I did.  At 14 I went out and got a job working at a dry cleaner shop for a big…

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Thug Life!

I was looking for a place to do some photos, and as we pulled up to this parking lot, I noticed a few guys rolling up on their bikes.  The guy I was with said, let’s just sit in the car for a little bit because they could be little thugs looking to break in…

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Who has your heart?

Your heart is an extremely precious thing.  It’s a very vulnerable piece of you that reveals who or what you are a slave to.  The person who controls the heart controls the person.  If your heart is wicked, the DEVIL will manipulate you into evil ways doing the things that will push his agenda.  If…

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Happy Birthday To Me!

Today I turned the big 35 years old!!!  I know, I know I only look like I am 26 but please just believe me.  🙂  As I sit here and think about my life, all I can do is wonder where time went?  It seemed like yesterday I was 16 going in to get my…

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The look that led to Destruction

It started with just one look as his eyes gravitated to another woman.  That look turned into a stare, and from that stare the thought of “what if” permeated his mind.  As he began to entertain those thoughts he would position himself in a place to test the waters and see how much he could…

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