Today I turned the big 35 years old!!!  I know, I know I only look like I am 26 but please just believe me.  🙂  As I sit here and think about my life, all I can do is wonder where time went?  It seemed like yesterday I was 16 going in to get my drivers license and waiting to turn 18 so that I could be an adult and move out of the house.  But then that flew by, and 21 didn’t stop, it kept going!  25, 27, 30….   It just kept going faster and faster.  Now that I am 35 I look back and see all that I have been through emotionally, physically, spiritually, and how it has shaped me be the man I am today.  By the grace of God, I know that He has changed me in ways that I could never imagine.  He has been in control of everything and has allowed me to experience everything to train me up for a time as this.

I can write a book on all that I have learned over the years, and if I was totally transparent, you would see how much filth God had to break me out of, and is still at work in me today.  I thank Him for His patience with me and how His love will not allow Him to give up on me.  I know that I am in no way perfect and am one of the biggest sinners out there, but that is what drives me to understand my need for Jesus.  I need saving from myself and Jesus did that on the cross 2000 years ago, so that I can have an abundant life in God.

Every day I realize that I am one more step closer to being face to face with my maker.  This has opened my eyes to the fact that life is but a vapor and what we do here affects our eternity.  Jesus is my everything and because of that, the Holy Spirit fills my heart with so much love that it flows out of me.  I can’t control it and the more I walk with Jesus the more He allows me to see people through His lenses; which is totally based on love.  My heart goes out to those who do not know Him and I see an urgency to bring the good news of Jesus because He has given me the keys to the kingdom.  We never know if the people we love most, will die today.  Life is extremely short, so don’t waste your time on meaningless things of this world and trying to build your own kingdom; that will pass away.  Focus on God, and His people because you never know if this will be the last time you will see them.  And at that point, it is too late.

We can all go at any time, so cherish those moments as if they were your last, because they could be.  Regret is not doing what you look back and wish you would have done.  But if you are still breathing, you still have time to put God first, and tell those around you how much you love them.  🙂

Thank you God for one more year of life and your mercy to allow me to take one more breath!  It is only by your grace that we exist, so my life is all yours!


forgiven • April 27, 2016

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