It started with just one look as his eyes gravitated to another woman.  That look turned into a stare, and from that stare the thought of “what if” permeated his mind.  As he began to entertain those thoughts he would position himself in a place to test the waters and see how much he could get away with, without actually cheating on his wife.  He was looking for just a little fun but never intended to go very far with this other woman.  As she would pass by, he would flirt just to get a smile and experience the tingle of the butterflies in his heart once more.  But he liked this way to much and didn’t stop.  Each day he would turn his thoughts to this other woman and he began to compromise and draw his attention away from his wife.

They began talking more and more each week and although it seemed harmless on the outside, they were beginning to emotionally tie their hearts together and the bonds that him and his wife had began to fade.  He was now attached to this woman and felt like his loved had changed.  He wanted to be with her more and more each day and started to tear his heart away from his wife and give it to this other girl.  As he grew closer to this new woman, he grew apart from his wife and eventually what started as a simple thought, destroyed the marriage and love he had for his beloved wife.

I hear this story all the time and people say they just don’t love their spouse anymore.  Divorce has become way to common in our lifetime and I believe one reason is that we don’t protect our hearts from temptations.  We don’t flee and run away from those things that could destroy our lives, instead we flirt with it and eventually it overcomes us.  Everything starts with what we entertain in our thoughts.  Those thoughts shape our actions and either convict us into doing what is right, or numbs our conscience and allows us to do what is wrong.

We have to protect ourselves from the enemy and that requires us to be on our guard at all times.  There is a battle for your soul right now and if you aren’t ready to fight against those temptations, then you will fall and lose the fight.  The best way to win, is to be on the side of power and strength.  Be connected to God who will equip and help you fight this battle.  When your mind is set on Jesus and He is your focus and your everything, only then will you be victorious.

*If this is your story, God is all about reconciliation.  But that takes repentance(turning away from the affair) and turning back to your spouse.  Don’t give up!


forgiven • April 12, 2016

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