You did WHAT? For free?

Almost 3 years ago God called me to leave everything behind and just go.  Not knowing what I was getting into I soon came to realize that the visa that I ended up coming to New Zealand on was very specific.  As long as I worked for the church and was paid through them, I…

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Get It Yourself

Growing up my dad use to tell me if I wanted something, I have to go get it myself because he wasn’t going to pay for it.  So at a young age that is what I did.  At 14 I went out and got a job working at a dry cleaner shop for a big…

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Happy Birthday To Me!

Today I turned the big 35 years old!!!  I know, I know I only look like I am 26 but please just believe me.  🙂  As I sit here and think about my life, all I can do is wonder where time went?  It seemed like yesterday I was 16 going in to get my…

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FOMO- Fear of Missing Out

I like to consider myself a man of commitment who tries to always be a person of my word.  Because of this I feel like loyalty and long term dedication requires a strong sense of waiting on the Lord.  But the problem comes in also wanting the very best and not settling for less, so…

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It not you, It’s me!

They seemed like such a perfect couple.  They spent years building up this relationship and it just looked to be an example to what so many people longed for.  Day after day things just got better and better.  They were inseparable!  Every waking hour they thought about each other and just wanted to spend all…

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It Should Have Been Me…

It should have been me by your side, but instead I was so focused on things that really didn’t matter.  Looking for unlikable details to so that I could protect my heart from this idea that if I was to let down my guard you would have full access to the well spring of my…

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Will guys notice me?

As her beauty developed she tried to find comfort in that billboard of what society said was attractive. That look of an outward appearance being flawless.  As she looked in the mirror to compare she knew she would have to make make many changes because she wasn’t even close to looking like that. Her hair…

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Wow, She is truly Beautiful!

As I looked over, there she was, the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Her eyes lit up the room and just gave her a glow that would pull any guy in.  When she would smile, all heads would turn because they couldn’t resist her beauty.   Even though she had tons of guys…

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A Parched Soul

The land was dry and water was not something that they could just go to the store and get.  It is extremely scarce and would take hours just to get to the nearest water source.  Daily, people of this village would wake up in the morning just to travel to get something that was a…

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