
I like to consider myself a man of commitment who tries to always be a person of my word.  Because of this I feel like loyalty and long term dedication requires a strong sense of waiting on the Lord.  But the problem comes in also wanting the very best and not settling for less, so being very careful in what I commit my life to is critical.  That is where FOMO comes in.  FEAR OF MISSING OUT! What this is, is when you struggle to commit because you are fearful that there might be something better out there than what you commit to now.

What I have found is that FOMO can keep you from being all in because you fear that if you commit to something, you are stuck for life and will have missed out on “something better”.  Or it could be the total opposite, where you jump into something because you don’t want to miss out.  Fear of missing out can be so many things, but ultimately it is a fear.  Fear of making a mistake and having to live your life with that decision is never a good way to make choices.  Eventually you will have to face that fear and reality.

Having FOMO itself can also cause you to miss out.  The very thing you Fear (Missing out) could allow you to miss what is right in front of you and also cause a lot of regret and pain.  FOMO is basically living in the what if’s and uses comparison to make your decisions.  When you compare things to look for what is best, you might miss out on the attributes in which you are comparing.  You will never be satisfied with what you have because there is always something out there that could be better.  But remember that although they could be better in one area, that doesn’t mean it is better.  Comparison can be dangerous and lead you to always looking to fix flaws and imperfections instead of finding beauty in the here and now.

Ultimately, fear of missing out comes from a selfish desire to get what you want, and the only way to fully get over this, is to trust God and walk by faith.  He will give you His very best and then you cherish and hold on to it, don’t compare what He gives you but see the beauty in God’s blessings.  Surrender your fleshly desires and seek His spirit, then you will never have a fear of missing out because you will have everything you need.  True Contentment in the Lord!


forgiven • April 7, 2016

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