Singleness, the unbearable sin.

Singleness, the unbearable sin. I have been lucky enough to experience 37 years on this earth. Most of that life has been single.  When I was 19, I fully committed my life to Jesus and decided that I wasn’t going to waste my time pouring into something that was only going to gratify my sexual…

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New Zealand 2017 (UPDATE)

In 2014 I gave up my entire life and jumped on a plane not knowing where God would take me.  All I know is that God said “GO”.  What would that look like?  How would life look when all your comfort is taken away and all I could do was to trust that God would…

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Going to the Altar

Abraham was challenged with a situation that could have been the hardest choice that he could have ever possibly faced.  Around the ripe age of 75, God made a promise that through his lineage the Messiah would come into this world.  It wasn’t until 25 years later that he finally ushered his son Issac into…

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Waiting and Watching

He became very protective of his emotions and who he gave his heart to.  Maybe it had been from past experiences with girls not caring for his most prize possession. But one thing was for sure, it would take a special woman to capture the heart of this man.   She would have to be willing…

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My last $30

Being out here as a missionary, I have had to learn how to be content with nothing but at the same time have watched God do some amazing things. This morning I woke up with an agenda to get some pretty important things done.  One was to go and get a warrant of fitness for…

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What Was I Thinking?

What in the world was I thinking?  January 2014, I packed up my stuff and jumped on a plane with only the words of “GO 2014”.  Who in their right mind is crazy enough to give up the comforts of what they know and walk into the unknown.  To leave my friends, family, house, job…

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A catfish gobbled up my heart

It was just a normal day, logged onto some social media to see what was going on in the world and so say hi to all my friends back home. Decided to jump onto Facebook and waste my day looking at all the amazing things that people are doing while just wishing I was as…

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He waited 7 plus 7 years for marriage

  Over the last couple months I have been learning more and more about what real love is and how to apply it. So looking through the bible I have found scripture that have given me a better understanding of the Love of God.   1 Corinthians 13 has a list of these characteristics that show…

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He didn’t get it for me

As I was sitting in the coffee shop I couldn’t help but over hear a conversation that really just made me cringe. Sometimes when I am sitting there, there will be some trigger words that will always catch my attention. This time it was the word “Church”. So oh, they must be Christians was my…

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Love keeps no records of wrongs

I don’t know if you have ever experienced this, but I had a friend in the past that did me dirty!  So bad that it seemed his only goal was to destroy me and everything that I owned.  He wrecked my house and constantly lied to my face, all while destroying many other relationships and…

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