In 2014 I gave up my entire life and jumped on a plane not knowing where God would take me.  All I know is that God said “GO”.  What would that look like?  How would life look when all your comfort is taken away and all I could do was to trust that God would provide my every need?  Well, 3 years later I can look back and see all that He has been doing.  I have seen many people come to Jesus and many more rise up and be part of what God is doing here in New Zealand.  But I must say that it wasn’t easy, and it came with a huge cost.  When God asks you to do something, it usually requires us to walk by faith and fully trust Him no matter how hard the situation is.

I have learned a lot over these last three years walking by faith and not only are those people who I have ministered to lives changed, but my life has been dramatically transformed through this experience.  You can say you have all the faith in the world, but the truth is, you don’t know if you have faith until it comes down to actually having to practice it; until you walk out into the unknown fully having to trust God with every area of your life.

When I first came to New Zealand I thought it would only be for about a month.  Three years later God still is using me in ways I couldn’t even imagine.  So going into 2017 I will be here for at least a couple more months working hard to train up the leaders to take over and see what the Lord does from there.  When we make disciples the idea is for them to eventually multiply and also train up others.  That is the stage we are at and that is super exciting!

Thank you for following me on this journey and thanks for all your prayers and financial support!!  Whether you know it or not, you are part of everything that is being done out here and I am thankful to have people in my life like you to further the gospel!

God bless you and if you want to know more send me your email and I will put you on the newsletter.  If you would like to support Hope for New Zealand click here.


forgiven • January 19, 2017

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