recordsofwrongsI don’t know if you have ever experienced this, but I had a friend in the past that did me dirty!  So bad that it seemed his only goal was to destroy me and everything that I owned.  He wrecked my house and constantly lied to my face, all while destroying many other relationships and hurting people dear to me.  After finally coming to a point where I had enough, I had to approach him and stop all this nonsense.  There was a point where he had taken advantage of me so much that he had destroyed our friendship.  I was badly hurt because this was friend that I dearly trusted and saw so much potential in.  All that came crashing down, and all I could see is the wrongs that he had been doing.  My heart stirred with unforgiveness to a point of every time I thought of him, there was a bitterness to my thoughts.  I had been keeping a record of all his wrongs, and was going to hold that over his head forever.

So I thought, until I remembered how much I had wronged Jesus over my years here on earth.  This idea of, if I was to call myself a Christian but could not forgive, I would be a total hypocrite and not following in the ways of Jesus.  I had been forgiven much and much forgiveness was required.   I had to look past those wrongs and not hold on to this bitterness in my heart and if I was to be able to love I couldn’t hold onto those records of wrongs.  I had to do the hard thing which was to fully forgive and surrender the hate in my heart for this person to Jesus.

Humans are notorious for holding on to the wrongs that people do to them. It’s something that many people will not let go of and find freedom from.  But this is not love, this is holding onto that wrong until the right time to use it against them, or also known as revenge.  When we look to Jesus and His forgiveness, we see that no matter what we have done, we have been forgiven.  In Christ, there is no records of wrongs.  The only record that God will keep is the one that is written in the book of life.  If you are in that book and will be going to heaven, then all of your sins are totally forgiven by God through Jesus.  So if God forgives peoples sins, then we should do the same.

So if you are harboring unforgiveness in your hear towards somebody and stacking up those records of wrong for a time you might need to use them against that person, stop.  I does no good and really is a form of hate, not love.  If you truly love somebody, let go of those things and move into the future.  Now, that doesn’t mean you have to trust everybody and totally forget about what happened to you.  But when you hold on to those wrongs it prevents you from fully worshiping God with a pure heart because your heart is hardened by bitterness, revenge and hate.  When you forgive and move on your heart is soft and you get to worship God with an open heart.  God is interested in your heart so follow in the ways of Jesus Christ and keep no records of wrongs.  Then you will begin to love unconditionally.

Love keeps no records of wrongs

1 corcorinthiansexperiencegivegodhatehopehopelessiamforgivenjesuskindkindnesslovelove isnonepatiencepatientrecordsselfishnesssilvatravistrustunconditionalupwrongs

forgiven • November 30, 2014

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